Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The weaker sex!

Athouug it is often said that women are the weaker sex, women are actually superior to men in several ways. Frist, women live longer and stay healthier in all countries of the world.

On the average, women live seven years longer than men in the United States. This difference stars at birth and continues untill old age. There are 105 boys to every 100 girls at birth, but twice as many women as men at age 80. Second, women are better that men that involve the five senses. Women have a sharper sense of taste, smell and hear better than men. Third women are mentally stronger but it was right, men are physically stronger than women. For example, more men than women had emotional problems, during World War II, air raids in London. Finally was coreet men are more self - destructive than women. More men are murdered by other men and commit suicide. And men drive more recklessly, so they have twice as many fatal accidents as women. Do you still believe that women are "the weaker sex"?

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